Friday, January 30, 2009


It is so hot here it is just unbelievable, and from what I can see on the news, we aren't getting it as bad as those in Melbourne or Adelaide. Yesterday was a high of 43 degrees (in the shade) with it hitting 44 today and tomorrow. For those of you that don't believe it can get so hot - here is a picture of the thermometer reading in our car ...

...For those of you that have trouble seeing, that reads 51!!! That for the visitors in the US is 123.8 degrees fahrenheit - I kid you not!

Anyway - due to the extreme heat I decided to take Matthew and his friend to the local pool last night. We all enjoyed the cool down and didn't leave till close, at 9pm. Here is one of my favourite pics of the night. The kids had a blast splishing and a splashing. You may notice that Matthew's friend is wearing a head-band, this is to keep the water out of his ears, as he has grommets (ear tubes). We were lucky enough to be given one of his old head-bands to try on Tori which fits like a charm. I think we will be off to the pool with Tori sometime soon to try it out. (We would of tested it last night, but I am thinking 8pm was a little late to be taking a 21 month old out swimming).

Well, that's it for now, love to all and hugs and kisses all round. Stay cool!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm a happy little Vegemite!!!

Wow, between the heat (38+ degrees) and a sad one at work, I am feeling a bit drained, so I thought I would chill out here in front of the computer for a bit.
In my excitement about finally having and figuring out how to run a blog, I think that I may have committed a 'blog faux pas' by linking to a couple of people who hadn't given me permission, so I have deleted them from my list at this time. I do apologize if I have offended anyone.
I really don't have much more to say, except have a great day, night or whatever. Oh...and I am going to add a photo...I wanted a good Australia day one, but didn't get around to it, so I thought in keeping with the theme I would add this old one of Tori eating a vegemite sanga! It's a pic I love and look forward to 'scrapping' one day. Hugs to all and MWAH!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day

Just wanted to say happy Australia Day to all us Aussies out there. Hope you are enjoying the day whatever way you want to. Us...well...we are sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing right now, but I will soon be doing a bit of a clean up around here to get ready for the upcoming week. I hear on the grapevine that my cousin and her partner from Brisbane are coming for a visit this week and I want to be able to sit and enjoy their company...and maybe take them to see some of the countyside? Take care all. MWAH.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

River Ratbags

Matthew just loved collecting cicada shells and Tori just had fun getting VERY dirty at the River this weekend. Watching and photographing the cicada coming out of it's shell was the one of the highlights of the weekend - something that I don't imagine too many people get to see up close and personal. Ray managed to get this awesome shot of the cicada in its changing state!

Playing in the Park.

Hi all wanted to put some pics up from the trip to the park on was a nice day for it and as you can see, the kids enjoyed it. Tori specially loved the slide with her BIG brother and as much as he wont admit it - I think he enjoyed it too.

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Post

Here we go, This is my attempt to get a blog up and running! Hope this works for me, cause if it does it will be a great way of keeping everyone up to date on the goss....and a good chance to show of some photos! This first photo is probably my favourite from the Christmas shoot, but not quite what I was looking for as "The Photo" to send to everyone. Hope you like it too!