I guess I don't get on here that much because in all honesty I am not sure that anyone is even reading it half the time. It is hard to maintain something when you think no one is interested.
As for house photos - there are still some things that need to be done before I really want to take pics, there is some painting that needs to be finished, and a few little odds and ends. I will get some up soon I promise....I haven't forgotten that I promised them.
Those packing boxes were so much fun to play in.
Cute - even when throwing a tantrum.
This is our friend Nate giving us his "treasure" face.
Tori at swimming lessons. Just before her first swimming lesson.
BTW she got her first sticker the other day, for floating with a device on her own for 10 seconds....she was pretty proud....or at least Mummy was. The first night in the house, this is how the kids slept! Actually for the first 3 weeks or so they ended up like this because Matthew's bed was all over the room while waiting for replacement parts.....don't ask! Will post a pic of the bed next post.
Burying Matthew in the gravel!?
Matthew burying Tori in the gravel.
Just a cute one of the two of them playing. Do you kind of get the idea that even though they argue like.....brother and sister lets say.....they love eachother VERY much?
Well that is it for photos. As most of you know I have resigned from my job. If you want more insight into that I have posted on it here. It was big decision to leave a job that I love, but sometimes a gal has got to do what a gal has to do. I start my new job next week as an non-emergency ambulance attendant....looking forward to it. Sounds like it will be a fairly relaxed and fun type of job.
The house is coming along nicely...but very slowly. We are starting to get annoyed at the lack of progress. There are still things that need to be done and we want them done now...I mean come on. We have been pretty patient, but the patience is wearing thin. Matthew loves it here and he is outside 90% of the time kicking his footy - gotta love that. He is often covered in mud - but at least he is getting some fresh air.
Ray, unfortuantly, has been way too busy at work. With some massive restructruing going on and him having to take on more than one role it seems like we hardly see him. It should settle soon though which will be really nice. Then it will be time for him to get stuck into the new garden.
I have been enjoying my scrapping heaps and for more info on that you can check out my scrapping blog. Something has got to keep me sane.
Tori is Tori - she is a busy 3 year old who wants to be doing something every minute. She is a bright little thing (at least I think so). She says her alphabet, counts to 14 or there abouts, sings so many songs it isn't funny (but my favourite is her version of 'shut up and drive'), knows her colours, writes her name (on the new walls sometimes), recognises some letters....
Nothing else to really tell.
Hope everyone is well. Hugs to you all and please remember even though I am not always blogging, you are all in my thoughts.
Well I always read it, so you HAVE to keep blogging! LOL
Sooo love the pics, can't wait to see some of the house!
It's a lot to keep up with a blog. Especially since I'm not doing anything exciting every weekend but I also read your blog. I actually like it when there isn't a blog every other day or week. Sorry the house is coming along so slow that would really bug me. Love that Tori is in swimming lessons and doing well. She is a bright little girl. Love the pics!
Oh my, what adorable pictures! Can't wait to see the house pics! Brother-sister love is pretty rare around our house, all my pictures would be fighting! Awesome swim lesson progress, and Matthew is definitely looking extra cool!
Well there you go... At last something new to read. I may not comment all the time, but, I do check it often. Hope the house will soon be all done.. Love you lots.oxoxoxo
I just love all your pictures, especially the one of Tori and Matthew hugging each other. Awesome. Sorry to hear about the house-mine is still dirt. Damn contractors! They have you too-it's like what are your options>? Walk away after you've invested so much time, money and energy? Tori has the most gorgeous eyes. She is going to be a heartbreaker (if she isn't already). I'm always reading if you are posting!
Love the photos! Tori is beautiful, and the tantrum picture is just precious! Matthew is such a handsome boy, and you can definitely tell in that sweet photo how much he and Tori love each other!
Sorry to hear about the waiting on getting things done with your house. Can't wait to see pictures though!
Yay Tori on doing so well with swim lessons!
I love reading your blog when you post! Keeping up with it does take a lot of time though . . . I'm always trying to play catch up on here.
Hi Anthea!
Those photos of Tori are adorable - she is just sooo cute!! :D Gorgeous pics! :D
What a great blog this time Anthea, love all the photos. No exactly how it is with houses. We have finally moved back into ours after two and half years and it still isn't completed. good luck with it though
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